QtConcurrent Qt处理多线程

news/2024/7/8 11:43:58


concurrent 并发


n. [数] 共点;同时发生的事件

adj. 并发的;一致的;同时发生的

这个QtConcurrent的命名控件提供了可以用来实现程序多线程的高级api, 而不用使用低级的线程的原始的api, 诸如:mutexes, read-write locks, wait conditions, or semaphores.


它为了进行并行的列表处理包含了一些功能性编程风格的api, 包括 MapReduce, FilterReduce他们通过内存的共享(非分布式的)系统来实现的,还有一些GUI应用程序用来进行管理异步计算的类们。

  • Concurrent Map and Map-Reduce
    • QtConcurrent::map() applies a function to every item in a container, modifying the items in-place.
    • QtConcurrent::mapped() is like map(), except that it returns a new container with the modifications.
    • QtConcurrent::mappedReduced() is like mapped(), except that the modified results are reduced or folded into a single result.
  • Concurrent Filter and Filter-Reduce
    • QtConcurrent::filter() removes all items from a container based on the result of a filter function.
    • QtConcurrent::filtered() is like filter(), except that it returns a new container with the filtered results.
    • QtConcurrent::filteredReduced() is like filtered(), except that the filtered results are reduced or folded into a single result.
  • Concurrent Run
    • QtConcurrent::run() runs a function in another thread.
  • QFuture represents the result of an asynchronous computation.
  • QFutureIterator allows iterating through results available via QFuture.
  • QFutureWatcher allows monitoring a QFuture using signals-and-slots.
  • QFutureSynchronizer is a convenience class that automatically synchronizes several QFutures.
Qt Concurrent 支持少量的几个 STL-compatible容器和迭代器类型, 但是它和Qt 的拥有可以随机访问迭代器的容易协作的非常好, 如QList, QVector, 这个map和filter函数接收包括容器和 begin/end iterators.


Iterator Type Example classes Support status
Input Iterator   Not Supported
Output Iterator   Not Supported
Forward Iterator std::slist Supported
Bidirectional Iterator QLinkedList, std::list Supported
Random Access Iterator QList, QVector, std::vector Supported and Recommended
随机访问的迭代器可以运行的很快在Qt Concurrent正在迭代大量轻量级的items时, 因为他们可以允许在容器中跳过某些点。 另外, 使用随机迭代器访问可以允许Qt Concurrent来提供运行进行的信息通过    QFuture::progressValue () and  QFutureWatcher::progressValueChanged ().

这个不合时宜的修正一些函数如 mapped() 和 filtered() 复制了一个容器在调用的时候, 如果你正在使用STL容器来复制操作可能会消耗一些时间, 为了避免这种情况,我们建议指定容器开始和结束时使用的迭代器。


#include <QList>
#include <QMap>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QString>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QDir>
#include <QTime>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QDebug>

#include <qtconcurrentmap.h>

using namespace QtConcurrent;

    Utility function that recursivily searches for files.
QStringList findFiles(const QString &startDir, QStringList filters)
    QStringList names;
    QDir dir(startDir);
    foreach (QString file, dir.entryList(filters, QDir::Files))
        names += startDir + "/" + file;

    foreach (QString subdir, dir.entryList(QDir::AllDirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot))
        names += findFiles(startDir + "/" + subdir, filters);
    return names;

typedef QMap<QString, int> WordCount;

    Single threaded word counter function.
WordCount singleThreadedWordCount(QStringList files)
    WordCount wordCount;
    foreach (QString file, files) {
        QFile f(file);
        QTextStream textStream(&f);
        while (textStream.atEnd() == false)
            foreach(QString word, textStream.readLine().split(" "))
                wordCount[word] += 1;

    return wordCount;

// countWords counts the words in a single file. This function is
// called in parallel by several threads and must be thread
// safe.
WordCount countWords(const QString &file)
    QFile f(file);
    QTextStream textStream(&f);
    WordCount wordCount;

    while (textStream.atEnd() == false)
        foreach (QString word, textStream.readLine().split(" "))
            wordCount[word] += 1;

    return wordCount;

// reduce adds the results from map to the final
// result. This functor will only be called by one thread
// at a time.
void reduce(WordCount &result, const WordCount &w)
    QMapIterator<QString, int> i(w);
    while (i.hasNext()) {
        result[i.key()] += i.value();

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    QApplication app(argc, argv);
    qDebug() << "finding files...";
    QStringList files = findFiles("../../", QStringList() << "*.cpp" << "*.h");
    qDebug() << files.count() << "files";

    qDebug() << "warmup";
        QTime time;
        WordCount total = singleThreadedWordCount(files);

    qDebug() << "warmup done";

    int singleThreadTime = 0;
        QTime time;
        WordCount total = singleThreadedWordCount(files);
        singleThreadTime = time.elapsed();
        qDebug() << "single thread" << singleThreadTime;

    int mapReduceTime = 0;
        QTime time;
        WordCount total = mappedReduced(files, countWords, reduce);
        mapReduceTime = time.elapsed();
        qDebug() << "MapReduce" << mapReduceTime;
    qDebug() << "MapReduce speedup x" << ((double)singleThreadTime - (double)mapReduceTime) / (double)mapReduceTime + 1;




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