[概念] 权力的类型 (type of power)

news/2024/7/17 12:54:52

* The PM must deal with upper management, subordinates, functional managers, interface personnel, and people outside the firm.
    * The degree to which the PM can influence each of these groups will have a bearing on the success or failure of the project.
    * The PM must exert some type of power so that the necessary concessions or cooperation can be obtained.
          o Formal:
                + A legitimate (or positional) form of power.
                + Based on a person's formal position in the company.
          o Reward:
                + A legitimate (or positional) form of power.
                + Refers to positive consequences or outcomes that a person can offer.
          o Coercive (Penalty):
                + A legitimate (or positional) form of power.
                + Refers to negative consequences that a person can inflict on others. (firing, docking, reprimand, etc.)
          o Referent:
                + A form of personal power.
                + Refers to earned power when people admire a person and want to follow that person as a role model. Also called charisma.
          o Expert:
                + A form of personal power.
                + Refers to earned power that a person acquires based on his technical knowledge, skill, or expertise on some topic or issue.
          o NOTE: The exam may equate legitimate power with formal power. Formal power, reward power, and coercive power are considered legitimate forms of power. You'll have to figure out from the question as to what context legitimate is being used. Choose the best answer.




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